What makes Advanced Sito Prostate better?

Advanced Sito Prostate was developed by a team of experts from different fields of expertise to create a comprehensive prostate supplement formula that guarantees relief and protection against common prostate problems such as benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. The ultimate combination of cutting-edge technology and time-tested natural remedies provide men with the best organic formula to break free from prostate-related disorders.

Advanced Sito Prostate’s Sito-Pro technology uses modern natural prostate remedies to put a stop to prostate enlargement. Sito-Pro technology focuses on lowering the levels of dihydrotestosterone, the androgen that initiates prostate growth, and this is done by effectively inhibiting the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. As a result, DHT levels are efficiently reduced, stopping further prostate growth and initiating the reduction of prostate size to alleviate the symptoms associated with prostate disorders.

Advanced Sito Prostate’s Pro Defense features the key minerals needed by the prostate to stave off cancer cells and promote a healthier prostate function. By ensuring that the body has the right daily intake of these essential minerals, the prostate maintains ample protection against deficiencies that increase your risk of acquiring prostate cancer.

Advanced Sito Prostate’s Prosta Proprietary Blend is the ultimate support blend of essential standardized extracts that work hand-in-hand with Advanced Sito Prostate’s Sito Pro technology to effectively reduce lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), and reduce prostate size over time. These natural ingredients are specially processed using proprietary technology to isolate the active components needed to reduce prostate size and alleviate the symptoms of prostate disorders such as BPH and prostate cancer.

All you need to know about Beta Sitosterol

Beta Sitosterol is a natural sterol found in plant oils. It bears a similar chemical structure with cholesterol, and its unique properties allow it to provide key health benefits such as cholesterol reduction and prostate protection. Beta Sitosterol is found in food items that are not commonly consumed regularly, such as avocadoes and nuts. By supplementing a generous amount of Beta Sitosterol daily, men with prostate disorders can fully take advantage of its androgen and cholesterol-lowering properties.

Modern research revealed that Beta Sitosterol is the most capable natural remedy to lower dihydrotestosterone levels in men. Dihydrotestosterone is the androgen responsible for abnormal prostate growth, and its reduction is the key to put a stop to further prostate enlargement. Beta Sitosterol has shown exceptional results in reducing the 5alpha reductase enzyme – the enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, and this natural action effectively lowers DHT levels in men.

Because of its aggressive DHT-lowering properties, Beta Sitosterol can effectively improve lower urinary tract symptoms associated with prostate disorders. Its cholesterol-reducing properties also contribute greatly to reducing prostate enlargement risk, as it reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed by the prostate in the bloodstream. Beta Sitosterol binds to low-density lipoprotein (LDL), to prevent the body from circulating the dangerous cholesterol throughout the body.

Beta Sitosterol’s effect is not limited to its prostate health benefits. By reducing DHT levels, Beta Sitosterol can also help men reduce hair loss as DHT is also the main proponent for male-pattern baldness. By reducing cholesterol levels, Beta Sitosterol not only prevents prostate growth; it also helps prevent cholesterol buildup that causes atherosclerosis.

The use of Beta Sitosterol as a prostate relief solution is widely-accepted by urologists to prevent prostate enlargement and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. With Advanced Sito Prostate, Beta Sitosterol is further enhanced with the combined effect of other natural prostate relief and protection ingredients to provide you with the ultimate prostate health supplement.

Beta Sitosterol Made Even Better

Advanced Sito Prostate combines Beta Sitosterol with 15 potent ingredients to give you the ultimate prostate relief and protection!

See how Advanced Sito Prostate enhances the effectiveness of Beta Sitosterol with these powerful prostate relief ingredients:

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is a type of palm that is commonly found in North America. Modern research shows that saw palmetto has strong 5alpha reductase inhibitor properties that allow it to work synergistically with Beta Sitosterol in reducing dihydrotestosterone levels in the blood. Research also shows that saw palmetto has potent anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce prostate size.


Pygeum is an herb native in the African continent that has been used for various health purposes. Modern clinical studies have identified pygeum has potent prostate size-reducing properties that allow it to reduce symptoms related to prostate disorders.

Rye Seed

Rye is a common grain typically processed as rye flour and is used widely as an ingredient for baking bread. Studies have shown that processed rye seed extracts contain powerful compounds that help reduce the symptoms of prostate disorders by inhibiting the 5alpha reductase enzyme to lower dihydrotestosterone levels in the body.


Lycopene is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound that is commonly found in tomato, papaya, grapefruit, and guava. Lycopene is most popular for its ability to improve circulation by reducing inflammation that strains the circulatory system, most especially the heart. Its anti-inflammatory properties also allow it to reduce prostate size, effectively reducing symptoms related to prostate disorders.

Other ingredients

Pro Defense Blend - Vitamin D3, Zinc, Manganese, Selenium, Molybdenum, Copper, Chromium.
Prosta Proprietary Blend - Pumpkin Extract, Turmeric Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Pomegranate Extract, Nettle Powder, Juniper Powder, Uva Ursi Powder.

Advanced Sito Prostate Testimonials

See what men have to say about Advanced Sito Prostate!

Genuine prostate relief!

I’ve tried all sorts of prostate supplements and drugs. I’ve been living with an enlarged prostate for the last 3 years, and it’s been a pain. At some point, having an enlarged prostate will take over your life, and before you know it, you’re stuck at home because you can’t go too far from a toilet. I’ve been using Advanced Sito Prostate for the last 6 months, and it’s been a huge relief. I no longer have to worry about leaking, and the best part is – I no longer have to wake up in the middle of the night to urinate. It feels so nice to be free from my prostate problems.

Barry D.

The best supplement I’ve ever had!

Every guy who has an enlarged prostate would know that your life changes after you develop your symptoms. Mine went worse as the years progressed, and in retrospect, I should have taken my prostate health more seriously. Thankfully I found out about Advanced Sito Prostate from my daughter. She’s a medical practitioner, and she did all the research. I’ve been using Advanced Sito Prostate for months now, and it’s been a huge relief. I’ve been symptom-free for the last 2 months, and I never would have done it without Advanced Sito Prostate.

James W.

Prevention is the key

My old man had an enlarged prostate, and I know firsthand how it made his life difficult. I was with him for the last years of his life, and for the most part, it was all about managing his symptoms. That’s why when my doctor said that my prostate was larger than it should be, I looked for ways to protect my health, and that’s how I found Advanced Sito Prostate. It was the perfect supplement that I needed. I read all the research, and everything checks out. Other supplements have beta sitosterol, but Advanced Sito Prostate has the best dosage out of all the supplements I checked out. That’s why I’m confident that I’m protected against prostate enlargement.

Kevin H.

No more prostate problems!

My prostate symptoms started in my mid-50s. Now I’m in my sixties, and the symptoms got worse. I was waking up every night to urinate, it takes me a while to empty my bladder, and when I go out I always carry an adult diaper for emergencies. That’s how bad it got. My brother, who also had prostate symptoms, got me a bottle of Advanced Sito Prostate. I took it for two months, and I started getting better. No more incontinence. I got a steady flow of urine, and I no longer have to worry too much when going out. Having Advanced Sito Prostate really changed my life!

Wayne L.

My dad says thanks!

My dad started having problems with his prostate just a year after he retired. Since then, his symptoms got way worse, and the meds he took didn’t help at all. I looked for supplements online to help, and I found out about Advanced Sito Prostate. It didn’t take too long for the supplement to work. I check with him every now and then, and he says that he’s a lot better now. Just posting this review for anyone who’s wondering if Advanced Sito Prostate is the real deal. It is!

Wayne L.

The best prostate supplement today

To date, I’ve spent more than $2000 on supplements trying to figure out which supplement would help me with my prostate problems. It’s been bugging me for years, and nothing gave me the relief I was looking for – until I got Advanced Sito Prostate. Just by the label, you can tell that this supplement is superior to the other supplements I’ve tried. It has more than double the dosage, and it has the right ingredients to help me overcome my prostate problems, and it did. It only took two months for my symptoms to improve, and now I’m almost symptom-free.

Joe W.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Advanced Sito Prostate safe?

Yes. Advanced Sito Prostate is a safe and effective prostate health supplement that only uses natural ingredients to provide the ultimate prostate relief. Advanced Sito Prostate does not use any controlled substances or stimulants that may cause an adverse reaction. To ensure the safety of your health, always check with your doctor about taking any kind of supplement.

Can Advanced Sito Prostate fight prostate cancer?

Studies have shown that the ingredients used in Advanced Sito Prostate contain certain compounds that are highly effective in reducing a man’s risk of acquiring prostate cancer. The ingredients have also shown excellent results in fighting cancer cells and preventing the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.

Can I replace my prostate medication with Advanced Sito Prostate?

No. Advanced Sito Prostate is a health supplement and it is not intended to replace any medication prescribed by your physician. Advanced Sito Prostate is not intended to treat or cure any kind of condition. Always listen to your physician’s advice as they are always in the best position to evaluate your health and provide the necessary steps for the betterment of your health.

Will Advanced Sito Prostate help shrink my enlarged prostate?

Yes. Studies have shown that the combination of 5alpha reductase inhibitors and anti-inflammatory agents have a much better chance of reducing prostate size compared to other available solutions.

Is Advanced Sito Prostate safe to take with my prostate medication?

It’s best if you check with your doctor first before taking Advanced Sito Prostate with any kind of medication. Advanced Sito Prostate uses components that have a certain effect on hormones and metabolism, and these components may interfere with the treatment plan that your doctor has for you.

How do I take Advanced Sito Prostate?

We recommend a daily single serving (three capsules) of Advanced Sito Prostate daily to achieve the best results. Advanced Sito Prostate has a compounding effect that allows the body to adapt to the nutrients used by the formula and improve its results with each succeeding dose.

Can I use Advanced Sito Prostate to prevent prostate enlargement?

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate caused by a bacterial infection. If you suspect that you have prostatitis, it’s best to visit your physician for a thorough evaluation and the appropriate medical attention. Advanced Sito Prostate does not contain the right ingredients needed to treat prostatitis.

Can Advanced Sito Prostate treat prostatitis?

Taking anabolic steroids or undergoing testosterone replacement therapy will greatly increase your risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. If you already have an enlarged prostate, it’s best to avoid synthetic testosterone and its derivatives. You may take Advanced Sito Prostate safely with TRT, but the risk of developing the side effects of TRT will always be present.

Can I take Advanced Sito Prostate with Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Absolutely. Advanced Sito Prostate is covered by a limited, 90-day money-back guarantee for all purchases made through our website and on our official stores on Amazon.com and eBay.com. The full 90-day period would give you plenty of time to evaluate the product and see if it works as you expected. If you are not satisfied with Advanced Sito Prostate, you can simply call our hotline and request for a FULL refund.

Do you provide a satisfaction guarantee?

Yes. All purchases made through our official channels will be covered by an ironclad 90 day money-back guarantee. You can purchase Advanced Sito Prostate through our official website, A mazon store, and eBay official stores and enjoy the full coverage of our satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can contact our customer service hotline to request a refund

The #1 Prostate
Health Supplement
Advanced Sito Prostate

  • 100% Natural
  • With Beta Sitosterol
  • Maximum Strength
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.